
Updated: 10/04/2004

Smart Search

Smartsearch is a unique pay-per-click search engine. Users sign up and bid on for listings within your search results (they are ranked by highest bid per keyword). Money is deducted from their accounts every time their listing is clicked on (many popular PPC sites have many listings of $5 and up!) You can even backfill your search results with other ppc search engines and make even more money! Smart Search is absolutely perfect for small to medium size businesses, because of it''s low requirements and incredibly low price. This script has become very popular on the Internet today. In fact, we wouldn''t be surprised if you find that more than 50% of pay-per-click search sites now use Smart Search. Everyone who buys this script makes their money back in a month, often less, that''s what a quality product at an incredible price should do for your business. You will not be dissapointed. New features being added all the time. New feature: Smartsearch now supports e-gold payments and is more stable for larger sized sites.