
Updated: 07/27/2003

Banner, PopUp and Textlink Sponsor Script

You can offer Banner, PopUps and Textlinks through one Script. The script counts all languages, or if you want only hits from only one language. You can block hits from proxy servers. You have different options to locate fakers. Pay by Clicks or Views (Banner and TextLink) Automatic update function inlcuded. Referrer-System with variable Levels and percentages. (as many as you want) You can configure everythng very easily from your admin area. You can also change the Design from the admin area. The Sponsors can setup their campaigns by Category, Language and time. The Sponsors can setup different Campaigns over only one Account. The Users can SignUp autmaticly. You can also approve every User before he gets activated. Every Webmaster can access a very detailed statistic for his Account. The Sponsors can also Sign Up automaticly. When a Sponsor Signs Up he receives, automaticly, a bill for his campaign (s) As soon as you are paid, you can activate his campaign through your admin area. The Sponsors have access to a detailled statistic for their campaigns. In your Login Area, you are able to list, edit and erase the Users and Sponors, check cheater reports, approve refferals, check the stats of the service, enter new ad-packases for the sponsors, and much much more.