
Updated: 08/06/2005


The following are a few of the features in PHPNews. - XHTML 1.0 Strict and Valid CSS for the next generation of web design. - RSS News Feeds - Easy Administrative enviornment - Multiple Languages (User selectable language files) - News Categories (Sort News into Categories for easy access) - Easily Modify the look and feel of your News Templates with our powerful News Templating System. - Multiple User Accounts (With user access: ''Admin'', ''Moderator'', ''Trusted User'' and ''News Poster'' so multiple people can post news with different access privilages). - Post news in xHTML or BBCode (special tags to make posting news even easier) - News Previews (Preview news before it goes live) - Ability to link long news stories or images on to new pages to prevent clustering. - Easily upload images to include in your news through our Image Uploading Feature - Comments (People who visit your website can leave comments about your news posts) - IP Banning (Ban people from making comments by their IP) - Censored Words (You can set words you want censored made by people in comments) - Send to Friend link (Allow guests to email the news piece to a friend) - Keep track of the number of Views of Articles - Previous/Next Links in News - Smilies! (Add emoticons to your news posts) - Archive system (So anyone can easily gain access to old news - can be ordered by Month...