
Updated: 10/11/2005

PHP contactMe

This script will allow your visitors to contact you via a web form. It will send the results to you in an email. This script does some basic input bounds checks (email address validation etc...) and is easy to set up and configure! This script also has the option to do domain checking to help avoid misuse by spammers. This script will also send you the senders IP address in the letter. NOTE: What''s new with this version: This version has the option to log the IP addresses of anyone who attempts to access the form from anywhere other than your domain to a HTML log file. You just use a simple link to view the IP log file. Also this version has the option to notify you via email if someone attempts to use the form from outside your domain. What''s new: I added some code to help the script run correctly with registar globals turned off in your php.ini file.