
Updated: 02/11/2004

SD Guestbook Service

Fast setup time, private messages, editing and deletion of posts, limit postings per-page, five different languages to choose from, show/hide IP addresses, enable/disable HTML code, enable/disable emoticons, enable/disable special codes, built-in ICQ && AIM instant messaging, gender field, enable/disable picture uploads (including size limit and dimensions), email notification options for both the guestbook owner and visitors (including custom messages), guestbook style editing, optional password-protected comments, message/word length options, word censor, flood-checking (for spam control), IP banning, 140 extra emoticons, periodic SQL database backups of your guestbook, your own custom logo and more all for a $5.00 monthly fee via convenient, recurrent billing. All major credit/debit cards and electronic checks accepted. Come join our growing community!