
Updated: 05/17/2007


WAMP5 now includes a php settings manager, an alias manager, apache 2.2.4, MySQL 5.0.37, PHP 5.2.2, a multilingual support and a lot of other usefull features. WAMP5 comes with a service manager as a tray icon. WAMP5 automatically installs apache, PHP5, MySQL... on your system. Easy to install, easy to manage, WAMP5 will be your best PHP friend. An add-on allows you to run both PHP4.4.7 and PHP 5.2.2 on the same server ! Many other add-ons are available. WAMP5 : apache2.2.4 - php5.2.2 - sqlitemanager - MySQL 5.0.37 - PHPMYADMIN and more...