
Updated: 08/20/2004


Billing system and referal system all in one. Complete integration of IBILL processor and agents of fortune affiliate system. Contains all features of both systems! Works on all webservers and operating systems. Allows you to payout advertisers a commission on your IBILL sales. Superfast code for even the largest sites. Fully automatic control of your password sales and databases. Deletes users automatically after accounts expire. Handles unlimited account configurations of recurring, nonrecurring, and web 900. Manual admin interface allows you to add/delete/search and modify accounts. Advertisers signup and receive realtime statistics on their commissions. Each account has independant commissions so you can structure your sales commissions any way you want. Does not require server sides includes. Your advertisers may access their statistics in realtime. Allows you to revoke sales in the event of fraud or chargeback from the admin interface. New version is compatible with websites running multiple billing software such as DMR, ATS, etc. and has even more enhanced security features to block hackers.