
Updated: 11/07/2004


MyObjects is a set of tools for database schema generation, class generation and object persistence. It is divided into two sub projects, a compiler for class generation and runtime for back and forth maping objects to the database and Xml files. MyObjects finished Zend''s Php 5 Coding Contest in 7th place. Features Of MyObjects: Automatic database schema generation from existing databases. Web based database schema generation from scratch. Command line based database schema and class generation. Generation of Sql statements from the designed database schema. Generation of Classes that will map to the database tables. (A seperate class for each table is created). Full validation code through setter methods in generated classes. phpDoc style comments in generated classes. Minimizes runtime operations by providing many features in generated classes. Xml serialization of the objects of generated classes and deserializing of the objects from Xml files. Inplemented in new Php 5 object model. Uses the new MySqli extension for php to support new features of MySql. Uses the new libXml based DOM extension to provide generation, parsing and validation of database schema files.