
Updated: 09/14/2004


phpBookingCalendar is a PHP/MySQL bases booking calendar written with a unique ''time slot'' database design which allows for advanced features while minimizing server CPU usage. Features: User Registration, Day, Week and Month Views, Easy to use navigation ''widgets'', Easy to use WYSIWYG Text Editor (FCK Editor), Recurrence Intervals (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Weekday, Yearly with Frequency), Recurrence of multiple spanning days, Unique schedule ''Availability Checking'' (shows available and unavailable time slots), No overbooking guaranteed, Deletion of entire event and individual ''time slots'', Fully Tested with Apache/1.3.31, PHP/5.0.0, MySQL/3.23.57, XHTML 1.0, CSS Level 2. Very customizable and easy to use. Designed for small to medium sized businesses. This application is great for booking conference room, halls, tennis courts, golf tee times, media checkout and other resource management.