
Updated: 10/18/2004


MyIPN allows you to automatically accept payments from Paypal for either monthly recuring Subscriptions or sales of digitally delivered items such as scripts, software and ebooks.&<p&>Features Include : * Administration Screen to Add/Edit your items, view list payments made to you * PayPal ''Buy Now'' and ''Subscribe Now'' button code generated automatically for you * Digitally delivered software/files etc are emailed to users PayPal email address as soon as payment is verified, automatically, files can be (should be) stored outside of the web root of your server for security. * Subscribers Username and Password generated by paypal is added to .htpasswd file automatically once payment is verified * Emails are sent to you and the buyer once payment has been made or if there is a problem with the payment. * Automatic emails are sent to you and the payee when a payment is received for something that is not in the system, ie ebay auction payment or someone using paypal to ''send money''. Payment is also logged as ''other Payment'' in the database