
Updated: 01/22/2006

Namtog''s Blat Install

NBI is a tool for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to install the presets for Blat from the command prompt. It''s primarily aimed at people who are used to working with a GUI. NBI comes in three seperate versions the first two specifically supporting Blat as a CGI application. It comes as both a Perl script and a Perl executable. This way you do not need to have Perl installed (shame on you). NBI will run from the cgi-bin of most any windows web server that isApache compliant. So far it has been tested on Apache, Abyss, Pi3Web,OpenSa, BRS WebWeaver,IndigoPerl, MicroWeb, Miniportal and Stunnix. The third version of NBI is a stand alone windows version. After you install it simply double click on the icon to start NBI_WIN.exe All password and account info is encrypted.