
Updated: 12/12/2005

Clever Copy - From simple blog to full CMS (Free)

Clever Copy - from blog to full CMS. Use it as a news site, an informational site, a fun site or a clan site - it''s up to you. Start it as a blog and expand it later if you need. A complete free website building and content management tool that allows dynamic content creation and updates. It requires no technical knowledge and has a simple installer. Loaded with features not found in other blogs or cms''s, Clever Copy has everything you need from a full newsletter mailing list, built in gallery, RSS generator, news syndication, powerful searches and much more. Designed for first time users, expert users and long term users - you''ll wonder why you ever used anything else! Update - V3.0 released! New features include a full gallery with albums and image protection, forums, a graphical news posting interface, newsletter archives feature, download rating and review system and lots of new blocks.