
Updated: 05/16/2005


Doorways 1.5 has been released now. Even more options to make it more powerful than it ever was before. Doorway pages, also called gateway pages or bridge pages, are used to achieve a better search engine ranking and can drive lots of free targeted traffic to your website(s). They can be your most advanced tool to succeed in searchengine marketing if they are done right. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is more important now, than it ever was before. Search engines are getting more intelligent day by day and it s a real tough game to get good listings. Doorways 1.5 is your possibility to beat the search engines easily. Many websites have been builded in a manor that makes it impossible to optimize them for better searchengine rankings and listings. Or you simply don t have the skills to do it yourself. And what now? There are many SEO-Companies out there which uses doorway pages to market your websites. You have to pay on a monthly base for their service and after a while you payed them a huge amount of money. But what happens if you stop your site? They control and have all the rights to your doorway pages. And they will make even more money by selling the traffic, where you paid so much for, to their next costumers. All is lost and you have to start from the scratch again. You have to pay again and again to promote your next project. It s a dead end for you and very frustrating too. So, why not own your personal, extended an...