
Updated: 02/14/2006

FindinSite-MS website search engine for ASP.NET

FindinSite-MS is a search engine for your MS-hosted web site or Intranet, including shared hosts. It integrates to be fully part of your site, giving complete control over indexing and word highlighting in web pages so users jump straight to the information they are looking for. FindinSite-MS doesn''t show ads from your competitors. FindinSite-MS is easily configured at its online configuration screen. The search interface automatically supports many Western and Asian languages. Many file types are supported: HTML, PDF, DOC, PPT, PUB, TXT, JPEG/TIFF FindinSite-MS is available as a package for your site, or as a hosted search. FindinSite-MS is an ASP.NET application and has a Search API web service. It runs in IIS 6 in Windows Server 2003, and can be tested in IIS 5 in XP Pro.