
Updated: 05/30/2005

FCS FLV Player

FCS FLV Player is designed for streaming with Macromedia Flash Communication Server (FCS) .FLV video files only. It only requires the user to have only Flash Version 6 player installed. The differrence between a component and an .FLA file is the amount of control you have over the features and design of your video player. A component allows for reusable code to be easily modified from within flash, this is a fast solution to implement video but, you cannot modify or add any additional features or change basic design parts of the player. Our FCS FLV Player with the source code allows you to easily change any of the features or design of the player by editing the code in Flash MX or Flash MX Pro 2004. Your player is ready to go when you recieve it, it can be uploaded to your server, you can modify the FlashVars in the html file to point to your FLV video file and it will work. You can completely control player functionality and design by modifying the FLA files actionscript code using Flash MX or Flash MX 2004: Our FCS FLV Player supports the following features: ABOUT An optional button to show a logo or other related information when the about button is clicked AUTOPLAY When you pass the flash variable AP=off the FLV file will load but, be paused so, you can embed multiple video players into a single page and using flashvars choose which ones will play when the page loads and which videos will be paused. MUTE...
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Linux,
    • Windows,
    • FreeBSD,
    • Mac OSX,
    • Sun Solaris
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License
  • Author
    • Team Video Spark