
Updated: 06/02/2005

ScriptMagix Newsletter

This PHP/mySQL newsletter script allows the administrator to send emails to customers.Administrator can create multiple categories and add customers to each of them .Administrator can also schedule newsletters to be sent.Administrator can also view the newsletter archive. Other salient features of this newsletter script include :- -Ability for administrator to create/edit/delete newsletter categories -Ability for administrator to add customers to each category -Ability for administrator to import/export customers in CSV format -Administrator can create newsletter templates which can be used when sending newsletters -Administrator can customise the email sent when customers are added .Administrator can also customise the email that is sent when customer unsubscribes -Very easy to use integrtation code.Can use HTML or javascript. -Administrator has an option of sending newsletters immeadiately or at a later Administrators can schedule newsletters. -Administrator can also see the stats of the sent email.How many was it sent to ?How many received it ?etc -Ability to backup the database