
Updated: 12/20/2007

Helios Calendar

Helios Calendar is a professional event management and publishing platform written in XHTML 1.0/CSS 2.0 with a MySQL database. Notable features include: RSS feeds (with customizable feed builder), Event Newsletters, iCalendar && vCalendar event download, iCalendar subscription, save events to Google && Yahoo web calendars, public event submission, advanced event search, event registration (RSVP), email event to a friend, OpenSearch 1.1 support, separate XHTML-MP 1.2 mobile site, advanced calendar usage and event reporting, Mashup integration with Google Maps and Eventful event publishing, multiple options for event weather links and driving direction map links, CAPTCHA for all public forms and over twenty five (25) customizable settings, separately managed locations/venues, JavaScript event syndication allows your site visitors to put links to your events on their site. Visit for more info and to try a fully functioning demo.