- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
Updated: 09/23/2005
- Weblog catches following data:
- date/time
- IP
- Host
- Useragent
- Referer
- browserlanguage
- screensize (if clients javascript is enabled)
- colordepth (if clients javascript is enabled)
Showlog creates following statistics:
- Browser: Browserfamily, Browser details
- OS: OSfamily, OS details
- Referer: Refering Host, Referer details
- Forwarder
- Websearch: Searchengines, query details
- hits by day for each month
- hits by month for each year
- Provider
- Countrycodes
- IP to Country
- Clientlanguages: Languages, language details
- Screendata: Screen height and width, colordepth
Showlog additional overviews:
- detailed overview of logfile with filter-functionality
- Functions for unknown data - by clicking on Unknown in both statistics
- Unknown browser - search with google by clicking agent
- Unknown OS - search with google by clicking agent
- Unknown searchengine - search with google by clicking agent
- Unknown IP and LongIP (for IP2Country)
- Categories
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Author