
Updated: 02/01/2008

plx Autoresponder Script

Our autoresponder has been designed to compete with the other top autoresponder companies. Quality programming and extensive features make this a very valuable internet website. Features: Edit Autoresponders, Test Autoresponders, Send Broadcast, Edit Newsletters, Test Newsletters, Send Broadcast, Active Prospects List, Mailing List, Undeliverables List, Tracking, HTML Form. Demo available! Installation instructions included! Edit Autoresponders: Create and edit autoresponders in your account (both instant response and follow-ups); these are the autoresponders that your autoresponder will send out once its triggered (''instant response'') and follow-ups delivered at preset time intervals. Test Autoresponders: Test your autoresponder account by sending all saved messages to an e-mail address of your choice, so that you don''t have to wait days before all follow-ups are delivered. Send Broadcast...