
Updated: 03/03/2006


phpbp2 RC3 is a new polish web portal system. It''s main feature is multilanguages support. It has build-in modules: - news - poll - articles - pages - banners - download - comments - forum - eXbcode support - galleries support (with thumbinalls) - private messages module - statistic module - groups - each user can be added to group which has proper permissions - ranks - you can define ranks for each, group, by posts etc. Script was tested on Apache 1.3.31 and 2.0.49 with PHP 4.3.4, PHP 5.0.4 and MySQL 4.0.20 on Unix, Fedora Linux and MS Windows XP. Minimal requirements: MySQL &>= 4.x PHP &>= 4.3.x with GD lib Demo is available here: