
Updated: 08/27/2007

Top Dollar Spot - Sell the top spot for cash!

Top Dollar Spot is a quick profit generator script. It allows Advertisers to add their banner to the site at the top spot on the website. However, the next person who advertises on the site will get the top spot and the previous person will have the next top spot. You can adjust the price at any point of time. After the Advertiser has paid, his link will be on the top spot. Top Dollar Spot is entirely automated. Once you have configured it, all you have to do is sit back, and occasionally advertise your site. The fully featured control panel also allows you to add pages which adhere to the template. I personally have used Top Dollar Spot and have already found a handful of advertisers in the first few days! It takes less than 5 minutes to have it setup and run, thus enabling more time to be spent on advertising. You don''t need a website. This will work perfect as a stand alone site. Upload the script, install the script, and you re done! How many things are simpler than that!