
Updated: 10/22/2006

Eye Can Help You

Eye Can Help You is a script that can either integrate with iPrimal BOT (Also free from iPrimal Industries) or stand alone and fully intergratable with your dynamic or non-dynamic site. When installed, it''s able to use either it''s own database table (Provided) or an existing one (like the one from iPrimal BOT) to offer your visitors help by either hovering over the image for the script (Also customisable) and/or clicking it in order to display the tip in a new window. You can customise the messages in the database, or if there isn''t one in the database, you can either have the script not show up, or show the icon with a message about how the script works or whatever you choose. For a demonstration of how this works for your visitors, you can use the one on our site. You can see how it integrates with iPrimal BOT by clicking the Help Bot link on the left of our site and typing in downloads.php and see what happens.