
Updated: 10/18/2007

PhotoCap Photo Captioning Contest

This script is a site game which allows an administrator (or user) to upload photos and have players submit captions. Once the captions are collected, players get to vote to select the best one. Game points are assigned for various activities, designed to encourage participation. You can set the game to be fully automatic (cron access required) so the photos are moved along the stages at standard intervals. Players scores are computed and displayed for a configurable sliding window -- allowing new players to join at any time and catch up. Members can easily view the winning captions from previous games and review their standings. Peek mode allows users to view captions as they are entered, generating more excitement as users ''play-off'' each other! An integrated User Management System is included. Even if your site does not have a login system to identify users, you can still run PhotoCap! A Transaction Log outside the database allows you to review site events.