
Updated: 06/12/2007

kDictAPI Open Source Dictionary Application

kDictAPI 2.0 is an open source (GPL) dictionary application interfacing with the DICT protocol. Version 2.0.0 incorporates kSphell, as well as kDoubleMetaphone, an open source word hash calculator. kDoubleMetaphone matches words phonetically and is implemented to generate more accurate spelling suggestions. 1. Build-in API for accessing DICT servers - enable/disable 2. Supports P.E.A.Rs NET_DICT - enable/disable 3. Dual-Caching: Result Cached to MySQL - HTML Output Cached to filesystem 4. Built-in Spell Checking/Suggestions - enable/disable 5. Skinnable - change the look and feel 6. Supports two DICT servers 7. Prepackaged with NET_DICT 8. Free to use