
Updated: 05/16/2008

Drag and Drop Objects Framework Tooltips Frames and Windows (ddobj)

Interactively manipulated drag && drop windows && frames. Embed custom html content e.g. tables, layers, text, video, lists, images, scripts, etc. Skinned objects can be applied to any events to trigger functionality. Incl. robust AJAX support, wizard and 12 skins. ddobj incl. detailed instructions on incorporating this simple to use dhtml component into your static or dynamic Web pages. Full Examples and text explain && demonstrate basic && advanced implementations of ddobj. Modify the appearance of windows with custom template layout skins. Extend Web apps. && the ddobj framework API. Spruce up your Web pages in no time! Framework compatibility: Internet Explorer Mozilla browsers Netscape 6+ Communicator 4.xx Firefox Opera Safari etc. - Usage: Tooltips appearing over any linked content, display verbose info, data validation - Moveable Windows: Multiple placeable window objects containing plain html or widgets - Popup windows: Advertise effectively against popup blockers