
Updated: 08/29/2006

Free Simple Ad Rotator Script

With this script we will be able to show to our visitors different ads each time they access a page from our server. The system is based in three different pages: (1) file name &"global.asa&". This file is located must be located in the main directory within your site (&"/global.asa&"). Each time a new visitor requests a page in your, it will be assigned a variable name session(&"ad&") with a given value (0). (2) A file name &"adrotator.asp&" which will contain the information necessary to add different add to pages visited by clients. This file will allow to show up to 10 different ads to the client during the time he is connected to the server (during the time the session is active). The maximum number of ads may be easily changed. (3) A simple SSI code we must include in our pages.