- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
Updated: 04/21/2008
Boost your website with viral marketing ! Our award winning scripts imports from more than **25** different webmail address books, coupled with award-winning support.
*** Easy to integrate with any PHP site or CMS. Comes with PhpFox 1.5 && 1.6 mod.
*** Uses webmail APIs where available
-- List of support: Hotmail, MSN, Hotmail.live, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, Lycos, LinkedIn, Mail.com, Mac.com, FastMail, GMX, Web.de, IcqMail, MyNet.com, Outlook, Outlok Express, Thunderbird and more!
-- Also available: Support for social networks invite senders (Friendster, MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, Hi5, Xing, etc)
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