
Updated: 02/06/2007

Error Page Pro - cPanel/WHM Edition

Error Page Professional will probably be remembered as the most ingenious marketing tool ever developed for web hosting companies that use cPanel/WHM. This software will allow you to set a default set of error page templates for EVERY website hosted under root and also under each reseller. These error pages will ONLY be displayed to a visitor if the website does not have its own error page for the appropriate error no. As most webmasters do not bother creating their own error pages your own error pages will pretty much be default on most the sites that you currently host! Think of a 404 as an empty billboard! Imagine being able to apologize for a missing web page to your clients own visitors, but at the same time tactfully plug your own Products, Services, Google Ad''s and also increase your own brand recognition! Supports error codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504 and 505. This software has been in use privately for over 18 months with phenomenal results!