
Updated: 02/08/2007

Simple Pagina PHP

This is a simple CMS used at; made for PHP/Mysql 4. For a single user. Let''s you to create a PHP web site, save pages, with your own personalized template in less of two minutes. Without reading a lot of documentations of complex CMS with options that you won''t use. Steps: Change index.php(of the root folder) for your own template(rename an html file as index.php) keep in this &"template file&" the includes to &"cuerpo.php&" and &"header.php&", uplod it to your web server, execute install.php, if installation fails please execute blank.sql from PHPMyadmin. There is a admistrative folder to create, edit,delete pages and a file manager. Features: -You can execute PHP scripts inside every page,includes a WYSWYG editor FCKeditor,pages can be protected with a password, deny access by IP or IP range, very fast compared with complex solutions, completelly free to use and change but consider linking to English/spanish instructions.Feedback is welcome