
Updated: 08/30/2001

eXtropia WebGuestbook

WebGuestbook allows users to manipulate a guestbook HTML file dynamically by adding their own entries to the document. Thus, you can create a virtual guestbook that visitors can sign, leaving their contact information and perhaps comments about your pages. WebGuestbook is configurable so that you can specify what your guestbook file looks like and how the script-generated responses are displayed. Most of the configuration takes little more than a knowledge of HTML, so it is fairly easy to use. If configured to do so, WebGuestbook will email the guestbook administrator the text of new entries as well as add them to the guestbook. The script will also respond to new entrants with a configurable &"Thank you&" message. Thus, there is no need to continually monitor the page. Finally, the application comes with the capability of &"four letter word&" filtering for a child-safe guestbook. You can censor words by adding them to a list of &"bad words.&"