
Updated: 01/21/2007

The Wyzz WYSIWYG Editor

Wyzz is a minimalist WYSIWYG Editor for replacing textarea fields in HTML forms. Wyzz is a small JavaScript file that can be implemented in your forms with just 2 lines of code, yet provides Bold - Italic - Underline - Strikeout - Justify Left/Center/Right - Indent/Outdent - Enlarge Font - Reduce Font - Headings - Source View - Color Pickers for text/background - Font Picker - Editable Character Map - Insert Links - Insert Images, and more. Wyzz was designed for use where other WYSIWYG editors are too big and cumbersome to use. It is easy to configure Wyzz to have only the functions you need, so you can limit what your users can do (useful when you don''t want them to mess up your page designs with their content!). IE and FF compatible. Ongoing development (currently v0.5). Online demo and author-moderated forum for support and feature suggestion. FREE (LGPL).