
Updated: 01/16/2007

RTF to HTML converter

RTF is used extensively for documentation for applications and utilities, having to convert all these documents to HTML before publishing on the web can be very time consuming and error prone. This is where having a dynamic converter can make life a lot easier. You just output the converted RTF text directly to the web page. If you store your documents online for your clients to download, you can very easily offer the option for them to also view them online. Having an online option also means that your clients are viewing the latest and most up to date version of the document. Benefits: Dynamic or static conversion. Simple to install and use. Efficient conversion. Supports fonts, colours, special characters, hyper-links etc. Supports tables. Converts plain text to HTML. Dynamic documents can not be linked to without clients actually coming to your site. Ensures clients frequently return to your site. ''RTF to HTML does all the hard work for you