
Updated: 04/07/2008

Owen Registrar

Owen Registrar was written for web site owners who want people to register and be able to log in to their websites. Owen Registrar allows you to maintain your member accounts in a simple, easy manner. Features include: *Check that username is not already taken. *Check that email address is not already registered. *Require password to be different from the username. *Require password to have mixture of digits and alphabet characters *Require password to be of specified minimum length *All Passwords encrypted before storage *Automatically send welcome email with username and password to each newly registered member. *Automatically send verification code to newly registered members to activate their account (optional) *Post Notices for Members *Send email to specific Member, to active or inactive members, or to Admins *Only logged in Members can access protected pages (even if URL is typed directly into browser) *Automated reset and emailing of forgotten password