
Updated: 08/22/2007

Error Management

The add_error page is used to report an error message. The person who reports the error has the option of reporting the error to one or more developers. The list_error.php files is used to list error reports in a certain order. The error reports are ordered by date,error fixed and error severity. The edit_error.php page is used by the person who fixes the error. The user has to mention among other options, the cause,solution of error,whether the error was a browser issue, the description of the error, the error category etc. Error descriptions may be added manually. These are stored in the database. The user may also specify whether the site (on which the error occured), is owned by the group of developers or not. The search_error.php page allows users to search for error reports using various criteria, such as the reported between time, time taken to fix error,error severity,error category etc.