
Updated: 03/07/2008

phpLD News

- Feeds are organized into an unlimited number of levels of categories and subcategories - Categories and detail pages use apache mod rewrite to give seo friendly urls. This feature can be turned on or off - All web forms allow for use of captcha to prevent web bot spamming - Import News via Cron - You can setup a cron to import updated RSS and Atom feeds as often as you like. You can also run a cron to delete older stories. - Link to Search Results - if you are following a specific key phrase across several feeds or sites, it makes it easy to follow them by being able to link to search results. - Visual Confirmation using Captcha helps prevent spammers. - Database backup is done through the admin panel. You can save a backup to your server, download a zip, or even email a backup. - Compatable with PHP 4.1 and higher (including PHP 5) - Google Sitemaps and Yahoo Sitemaps integration - Compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera browsers