
Updated: 11/28/2007

Drag and Drop Window and Frame Components

Windows as layer objects are commonly used to display item details overlaying a condensed listing of items within the Web page that is confined by limited page layout space. Included AJAX class routine may be used to retrieve an object''s details from a dynamic page requesting database information on the specific items. Each object''s formatted content is fed directly to the link when the mouse moves over the link as inline HTML. The Web page visitor user action triggers an onmouseover or other event, which initiates the process of displaying a drag and drop window with detailed info. on the specific item. The practical application of this interactive component is often seen on Web pages with galleries of item thumbnails or listings where further details are shown when the mouse is clicked or moved over the link. DHTML script is cross browser compatible, offers many parameters, includes complete documentation. Examples and user-friendly wizard enable instant integration into Web pages.