
Updated: 12/01/2007


Xomol CMS is strong, fast, secure, and simple. Entery level programer/webmasters can start publishing and earning money in less than 5 minutes. Advanced programers will find in Xomol the ideal developer plataform. Universal, Independent, Open Source. Xomol contains a CMS, Virtual Store, Downloads, unlimited categories && products/articles/downloa ds. User managment, user groups, user rights. File and Image uploads, WYSIWYG Editor (FCK Editor), New CCS Styles editor! Fully customized Themes, Automatic Currency updater, Contact form with unlimited editable departments, Print this site, Google analitics, Automatic metatags configurator, automatic SEO search engine URLs. PDF generator... Tons of blocks and submodules that will make your Internet experience a success! Run other applications by simply drag and drop, tons of blocks and submodules. Control everything from your Admin panel with a simple mouse click.