
Updated: 01/23/2008


We are excited to announce a new product from NDC - The Payment Gateway application that fits the bill and beats the power of Paypal and alikes! Wonder which payment gateway will accept your auction site fees AND accept buyer-to-seller payments? Wonder no more! Start your own payment gateway and forget the misery of being rejected due to the non-auction sites policies among other infamous payment gateways! Beat them with the best punch! Open up your own payment gateway and collect fees not just from auction sales but from payments transfered! What could be better than to couple the best of both worlds: auction processing and payment processing. Every promising auction website already has it - now it is your turn! The ProtoPaygate is a sole development of NDC team. You can download the time-limited Full Free Version, which does not include any support nor updates. The ProtoPaygate is priced at $ 103.30 usd only! once paid, you will receive our full support without any time-restrictions