
Updated: 04/07/2008

Tukanas Bookmark script

By using the Tukanas Bookmark script visitors could store, organize and share bookmarks of web pages. In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages they want to remember and /or share. People allowed to view these bookmarks can do so chronologically, by category or tags, via a search engine or even randomly. These bookmarks are usually public. But, depending on the service s features, they may be saved privately, shared only with specific people or groups, only inside certain networks or another combination of public and private. A convenient and easy solution to extend your current Website or Blog could be provided with Tukanas Bookmark script by adding a Add to Bookmarks widget/pod/code to it. This will help send more traffic to your content by using the word-of-mouth aspects of social bookmarking. Every person who adds a link to your blog or site using a social bookmarking system helps raise the awareness about your content.View the online demonstration.