
Updated: 03/23/2008

Affilitrack - Affiliate Link Masking/ Click Tracking Script

Affilitrack is a small, simple to setup and use script that will not only make your affiliate links look nice, but it will also keep track of how many times each link is clicked. This way, you can compare how many clicks you actually get with what your affiliate stats report. You re not just limited to text links. You can do the same with affiliate banners! Affilitrack automatically logs each time a link is clicked! Each time someone clicks on one of your Affilitrack links, it is logged in the database. You can use this feature to simply keep track of your most popular links/ads or maybe you want to compare actual clicks to what your affiliates are reporting. Affilitrack also makes updating affiliate/sponsor links simple! If the link changes, you no longer have to dig through your site updating each and every page. Simply update the link URL with Affilitrack and all the links throughout your entire website will be updated! Affilitrack supports UNLIMITED URL s!