
Updated: 04/13/2008

Multisites Site Manager

New features in this version: * NOW has the automated users synchronization function (from main site to subsites only) * NOW if user is associated with one site he will be redirected there automatically after logging in(optional) * You can use the permissions mask When logged in as an administrator in the back end of Joomla! the admin user can see a menu item in Components called Multisites and can: Create/update/delete and look at a list of courses/sites (that all ready are made in separate folders each containing a total Joomla site OR can be made by auto incl. configuration.php!!!!) Create/update/delete users with all user data (user, username, password - also via batch import) Enroll/unenroll users into courses/subsites (also via batch import) When submitting: the changes are updated in the database/in the database for each course. You can either have a central database or a database for each course/site.