
Updated: 05/16/2008

Data Loader

Data Loader is a simple yet powerful tool to import and export Data between many common formats. Current Data Loader Ver. 3.0 supports MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, FoxPro, DBF''s MS SQL Server. CSV and Delimited or Flat Files. You can use Data Loader to transfer data from one database format to another database format. While transferring you can filter columns and specify WHERE conditions New Features in Version 3.0 * Folder polling. Data Loader will watch for files in a folder at specified intervals and then load the data from filenames matching specified pattern into tables automatically. More... * Support for MS-Access 2007 and and MS-SQL Server Express Edition. * Now watch progress while running saved sessions * Many other enhancements New Features added in Version 2.5 * Load data in MySQL databases hosted on Share Web Hosting easily * Now you can change and choose the destination tables names * Load from multiple delimited flat files