
Updated: 05/30/2008

Automatic Video Script

Create your own YouTube video site within a few minutes. Our full Automatic Video Script is a ready to run PHP script. Simply configure it in only one file and offer your visitors thousands of minutely updated videos. No database required, no big hosting space required and not a lot of bandwidth required. Earn money from AdSense or Affiliate programs without work. Some of the Script features: - Search engine friendly speaking url''s and meta tags. - Easy customization of the YouTube embed player - Browse the most popular videos - Browse the best rated videos - Browse the most recent videos - Browse videos by tag, category and user - Easily choose, which section should appear on the index page - Setup your site meta tags and static pages (about and contact) without HTML knowledge - Specify optional a global keyword and you can setup a specific niche video web site (like animal videos, car videos, funny videos and so on)