- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- Feedback mailer gets feedback from a form and sends it directly to the mailbox specified, with proper formatting. It is a little script that gets the subjectwise distinguished feedbacks directly to your mailbox so that they reach you instantly!
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- Freeware,
- Commercial License,
- Free for non-commercial use
- This is a simple form validation script that checks for empty fields. Dreamweaver offers very little in JavaScript form validation unless you''re using Cold Fusion. In my opinion the built-in form validation behavior in Dreamweaver is sloppy and...
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Easy, fastest and Secure form processor. Installs directly from the server pre configured to your server. No programming hassles, no opening code files. Kmita Mail v.3 has inbuilt 3 levels of spam protection and has features like security image (CAPT...
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- This php Web Site Recommendation script allows your visitors to enter their contact information and recommend your site to as many recipients as you specify (only one required). The default messages are easily modified and the look and feel is custom...
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- This script will allow your visitors to contact you via a web form. It will send the results to you in an email. This script does some basic input bounds checks (email address validation etc...) and is easy to set up and configure! This script also h...
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- This script will take user input via a form and email it to you. Uses a domain check to make sure form is being submitted from your domain. Also email validation and stamps each meassage with the senders remote host variable. Easily customizable to i...
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- The CJ Web2Mail is a very simple web page form to your email inbox script. The script has been improved conciderably from the previous version. V3.0 includes multipart email sending which basically means that the script sends both HTML and text email...
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- Form validation script available in two versions: simple and extra. Both can check any html form to see if the specified fields are not blank. If there are fields blank, the visitor is notified and send back to the form. If all data is correctly fill...
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- The author notes &"This script was written because we found there was a lack of powerful, reliable and easy to use free mailing list scripts available on the Web. We needed a script secure enough and reliable enough to manage our lists of ov...
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- A guestbook script with totally definable required fields, confirmation and validation of user input. Optional email thank you and notification, option for HTML filtering. Newer entries shown first with older entries viewable by following a link at t...
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