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- 40,829 scripts
- This Contact form is similar to our AFC Easy Contact Form in that it will send the owner the persons name, email, phone number, referred by, contact type and a question / suggestion or feedback. The form includes email validation and will goto an err...
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- Contact Us is a site contact system written in PHP.
* Easy to install.
* No database required.
* Spam protection.
* valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS.
* Validation code to make sure its a real person contacting you an...
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- Commercial License,
- Free for non-commercial use
- Link Exchange has very importance in Search Engine Optimization. But is very hectic to check the backlinks on other website that whether the other website contains your website link or not. Fast Backlinker is a very handy module that solve the proble...
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- Add an email form to your website within a minute with our PHP mailer script so that your customers can contact you by email quickly and easily. The script is fully customisable by editing a simple configuration file - even a chimp could do it!
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PHP form wizard is a complete form processing solution, it includes all you need to process your HTML form, it can handle all the validation work, File uploads , send all the submitted data thru email , send personalized auto responder to your visito...
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- TrafficExchange sites are a great traffic generator!! You can also easily sell advertising credits for a nice income stream. When using a trafficexchange site, your site is shown to thousands of users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while you are visi...
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- This is a PHP/mySQL script that allows users to upload pictures and get them rated .Users can rate photos and also leave comments .The script also includes a powerful control panel .Administrator can approve/disapprove photos uploaded by users .The A...
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- This is a PHP/mySQL script that allows users to upload pictures and get them rated .Users can rate photos and also leave comments .The script also includes a powerful control panel .Administrator can approve/disapprove photos uploaded by users .The A...
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- You can also easily sell advertising credits for a nice income stream. When using an autohits site, your site is shown to thousands of users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while you are visiting a lot of interesting web sites! This is done 100% autom...
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- This is a simple PHP form to email script with a confirmation page that shows the visitor what they submitted, before the data is sent. The validation is all server side, so you don''t have to worry about browser compatibility. New in version ...
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