
Updated: 05/11/2008

combined gallery-slideshow

This is a combination of an automatic slideshow with fading transitions and a gallery with scrollable thumbs. Features for welcome screen: loading control, set a welcome-image, set the welcome-screen to 50% transparency, set the whole gallery to full-window-size, set the welcome-image to full-window-size, and change/customize title/text/colors. Features for slideshow: automatically cycles through all set pics; fading transition; free to set time to show the pics; images get automatically scaled to fit the image-area; texts can be displayed with each pic; ability to switch from the slideshow to the thumbnails; and more. Features for gallery: 3 parts, imagarea, textarea, controlpanel; images get automatically scaled to fit the image-area; defined texts are shown as in the slideshow; and more. &<b&>1.2 update:&</b&> now works with IE5.0 as well, integrated some user-suggestions, the script got smaller by about 15%.