
Updated: 10/15/2001


PerlSP lets you use Perl like PHP, ASP and other HTML embedded languages. It does not only allow you to embed Perl in your HTML pages, but also extends the language with many built in functions that are repeatedly used in web applications like database functions, emails, attatchments, file uploads, syntax highlighting, sessions, template like scalar interpolation, time formatting, and many more. Your HTML files with embedded Perl code don''t need #!/usr/bin/perl anymore, no CHMOD 755, no ASCII mode transfer to the server, no content-type printing, and no limitation to the cgi-bin. PerlSP can also be run under mod_perl but it is optimized for normal CGI so it can be used on dedicated and virtual servers with a good performance. You only need htaccess files on your server (Apache) so your scripts can be redirected to PerlSP.