
Updated: 08/03/2007

PHP Traverser

PHP Traverser is a script that allows you to browse a directory structure recursively. The root of the tree is the directory where the script is placed. You can password protect your directories; password generator is included. A download-list can be generated that can be used by any download manager (for ex. by wget). You can add a short description to all the elements in the given directory. You can click on the highlight anywhere, it will follow the link. In each directory you can select which files/dirs you want to hide and which subdirectories you want to password ptotect. Different icons can be assigned to different mimetypes. The script has plugin support, an image browser is included for .gif, .jpg and .png files (activate it by clicking on its icon). You can log which file how many times has been clicked on. This way it is easy to monitor which files are more popular. With the Dynamic GraphViz Sitemap module you can easily visualize the structure of your whole site! The module