
Updated: 02/05/2006

JiRos Upload System eXperience

JUSX (JiRos Upload System eXperience)! A new great product from JiRo JUSX has all features that JUS(JiRo s Upload System) has! *PLUS* * Users has there own ROOT directory (Super Admin User has access to all Folders and files) * Option to get notified when a User Upload file(s). * support for MS SQL-server, MySQL and MS Access database. JUSX is a web-based File Upload System. JUSX is written in Pure ASP and allows you to upload files (No upload component is required) to your server from any computer conneted to internet, no ftp-program is needed. JUSX includes a lot of features like; Create unlimited user accounts, Edit/Delete User Accounts, Create/Delete folders, Upload/Download/Preview/R ename/Move/Delete files...