
Updated: 06/13/2006

Indigo Whois

Indigo Whois script has the following features and options: Supports all major tlds including: com, net, org, info, biz, us,,, de and more. The tlds supported can be limited to a specific list with one line of code. New tlds can be added and existing ones modified by editing a simple text file. Indigo Whois can retrieve the full whois information for .com and .net domains where the registry server only provides basic information. This option to determine the authoritative server and redirect the query to it can be turned on or off. Easy Installation && Simple Usage. You can have your own whois lookup service up and running on your website just by uploading the files and adding 1 line of code. The script comes with a heavily documented example scripts illustrating the various options. Check availability && Clean Whois Output. The script automatically parses the whois data to determine whether the domain name is available or already registered. And more...